This one is for Lucy who posted a comment on Goatfood, saying that she'd been here and was overjoyed to discover that she wasn't the only Pink Floyd fan in the world - who was prepared to own up to the fact! Well, rest assured, there's a few of us about!
In my record (yes - vinyl!), tape and CD collection I have most of their output although I'm not that keen on the very early (Syd Barret - sadly RIP) stuff. I have seen them once, at the last ever performance of 'The Wall' at Earls Court.
So to the title of this post.
For a long time in the 60's and 70's I was totally devoted to folk music (see 'Poem' and 'Totty'). I was considered to be a half-decent guitarist/singer and was out playing 4-5 nights a week, mostly for beer and expenses, sometimes for money. Early on I had the chance to go pro but turned down as I had a pregnant wife (who left me 2 years later - but that's another story!) and a proper job etc. It began to dawn on me that it had little future and I was starting to tire of the whole business when I went back to someone's house after a gig. This music was playing in the background which drew me - it was 'Wish You Were Here' and that was that - it really was a revelation. The guitar went under the bed, not to be played for about 5 years and I threw myself into catching up on all the music I had missed.
30 years on I'm back on the scene this time as a guitar tech/roadie for a 'proper' musician and his various bands and as a stage tech with a sound engineer mate. I miss performing but I'm glad I'm out of it - which in a way was due to The Floyd.
So....Come back Lucy, whoever and wherever you are and tell me your story......
In my record (yes - vinyl!), tape and CD collection I have most of their output although I'm not that keen on the very early (Syd Barret - sadly RIP) stuff. I have seen them once, at the last ever performance of 'The Wall' at Earls Court.
So to the title of this post.
For a long time in the 60's and 70's I was totally devoted to folk music (see 'Poem' and 'Totty'). I was considered to be a half-decent guitarist/singer and was out playing 4-5 nights a week, mostly for beer and expenses, sometimes for money. Early on I had the chance to go pro but turned down as I had a pregnant wife (who left me 2 years later - but that's another story!) and a proper job etc. It began to dawn on me that it had little future and I was starting to tire of the whole business when I went back to someone's house after a gig. This music was playing in the background which drew me - it was 'Wish You Were Here' and that was that - it really was a revelation. The guitar went under the bed, not to be played for about 5 years and I threw myself into catching up on all the music I had missed.
30 years on I'm back on the scene this time as a guitar tech/roadie for a 'proper' musician and his various bands and as a stage tech with a sound engineer mate. I miss performing but I'm glad I'm out of it - which in a way was due to The Floyd.
So....Come back Lucy, whoever and wherever you are and tell me your story......
Welcome back Phil. No, I didn't know Lucy but it's nice when complete strangers pop by, isn't it.
Sure enough! And where have you been?
Hi Phil...
This is Lucy.. and here is my story...
A couple of weeks ago...I tripped and fell. (I am the world's worst klutz!!!If there is a toothpick on the floor...my foot will will find it and I will trip) I am sitting here with my right foot in a cast, a cracked tailbone (gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "a pain in the arse"..)...and yes, feeling a wee bit sorry for myself.
A few days ago I was surfing the web and I particularly like English blogs. (They can be so funny)...I found myself on Richard's site and he was talking about meeting you and linked to your site...so I went there and wow!!!! There is someone else on the planet who listens to Pink Floyd!!!!!! I couldn't seem to get the hang of posting on your site...but I refused to lose the thread...so I went back to Richard's site and posted and bless him...here I are...
Thank you Richard!!!!!
I am not a music maker. (and trust me on this, you wouldn't want to hear me try.) Listening to music has always been a huge part of my life.
I was raised in Sacramento. In the 60's and 70's San Franciso was the place to go to listen to bands..."The City" was about an hour and a half away from me. One weekend in 1972-73, some friends asked me to go see an English band called "Pink something." Off we went...and that was the first time I saw or heard Pink Floyd. They did things none of the other bands were doing at the time. Fire and smoke and lights...and of course it helped that if you took deep breathes....you were on the same page as the rest of the audience..It was fantastic!!! And the music was incredible.
I got to see them in Oakland in 1994 and should have seen them in 1989, but that's another story.
I'm a retired 911 Fire/EMS dispatcher. Nobody I worked with had ever heard of Pink Floyd. Why do all dispatchers listen to country western music..? (gag me with a spoon!)
But there you are....halfway across the world and you listen to Pink Floyd! This is so cool.
I've been downloading a lot of the old music...Three Dog Night, Styxx, Boston, Dr. Hook, Cat Stevens, Foreigner, Jefferson Starship...all that stuff. Great, great music.
I just watched the Last Waltz a couple of days ago. American Graffitti was filmed just South of Sacramento...but it was exactly like Sacto was in the late 50's early 60's. Exactly. I wouldn't have missed any of it.
So there you are and I stand by my story... Thank you for asking.
Tell me about being a roadie...
Hi Good story - see if you can open up your profile/site so I can post to you direct.
If you can't we'll carry on here!
Just email me at lhossli@gmail.com
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